
Giving Options

Online or Mobile

Giving online is quickest and most secure way to give at Clear Springs. You are not limited by where you are or the day of the week. Give one-time gifts or schedule recurring donations through our online giving tool by clicking donate below. 


On Campus

You can also give by placing your gift in the offering plate as it passes during any of our worship services. Giving envelopes are available in each pew of the worship center. 

By Mail

If you prefer you can mail a check straight to us. The church's address is:

7350 Tazewell Pike, Corryton, Tennessee 37721. 

In Memory or In Honor Gifts

If you would like to make a gift offering in memory or honor of someone, please mail your check straight to the church office. Please make a note in the "memo" area your wish for the gift offering. The church's address is 7350 Tazewell Pike, Corryton, Tennessee 37721. If you would like assistance in creating a memorial fund for a loved one, please contact Taryn Jones at (865) 688-7674